The duo of Nash Carter and Wes Lee, collectively known as MSK, has taken the NXT universe by storm. Debuting on this week's NXT, they faced the duo of Isaiah Swerve Scott and Jake Atlas in the first round of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic tournament. MSK came up victorious in the end. Their aerial in-ring style, coupled with their boundless charisma, has won them several fans already. These fans are clamoring to see more of them in the future.
For the unversed, MSK is better known for their work as The Rascalz in IMPACT Wrestling. Their two-year stint in the company made them one of the most sought after tag teams outside of WWE. They departed from the company in November 2020 and were quickly signed by WWE in the following month.
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They would be facing either the teams of Killian Dain and Drake Maverik or August Grey and Curt Stallion in the quarterfinals. Regardless of which team gets to face MSK in the quarterfinals, MSK would be the favorites going into that match to book their place in the semi-finals.
NXT creative should be smart enough to capitalize upon the momentum that Lee and Carter have generated on their debut. It won't come as a surprise even if they are booked to win the whole event.