#3: Ariya Daivari

Ariya Daivari made his return by forming a team with Hideo Itami and attacking a defenceless local competitor. He performed his role as Hideo Itami's manager and tag team partner well as he helped him gain victories over both Noam Dar and Cedric Alexander. He would later turn on his partner and friend Hideo Itami by hitting him with his finishing move the Hammerlock Lariat. The Persian Lion has completely brutalized several local competitors in matches allowing him to gain a pretty impressive winning streak.
His winning streak and a newfound sense of aggressiveness make him an obvious addition to this tournament. However, since his return, he has not been able to test his skills against any active competitors of 205 Live. Matches with the best of 205 Live will allow him to prove his skills in the ring while also bringing him close to the Cruiserweight Championship.