#3 Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match:

Another hard match to predict considering there are 6-8 participants involved, usually split even among each brand. Here is our list.
Elias versus Dolph Ziggler versus Velveteen Dream versus Adam Cole versus Randy Orton versus Finn Balor versus Jeff Hardy versus Bray Wyatt.
With this much star power, we have effectively removed a lot of options at the top making the remainder of the card difficult to predict. That being said there is something about this grouping of men I really like on paper including the current NXT stars.
Assuming Adam Cole and Velveteen Dream will be debuting, and Bray's new character, this can shape up to be match of the night. Our only reservation was Finn Balor. You wonder how many times they will pass this man up for another championship opportunity. Also how hard do you push a guy like Elias or really even Orton who has nothing to gain.
Bray's new unknown character is an interesting addition, depending on how strong out of the gate it sells, he could have a shot. You just cannot take away from the value of Finn Balor. He may not be World or Universal Championship material now but he deserves to have a long run.
Winner: Finn Balor