Predicting WWE's 9 Champions after WrestleMania 33

Who among these men and women will be champion once WrestleMania ends?

WWE Intercontinental Champion: Baron Corbin

Corbin’s actually a lot better than some people give him credit for.

Dean Ambrose’s ‘Lunatic’ gimmick has become stale. He’s basically a super-PG version of Steve Austin, only with a fraction of the crowd reaction. Ambrose is ‘wacky’ in a sense that you don’t know what he’s going to do, but the random things he does are more comedic than they are badass.

But Ambrose is still a strong competitor with a title belt around his waist. The only question now is, whom will he feud with? Miz looks like he’s going to be facing Cena going forward, Ziggler has just turned heel, and AJ Styles will be wrestling Shane McMahon at WrestleMania (because, WWE logic).

That leaves Ambrose with one opponent to face: Baron Corbin.

While he hasn’t been given the super monster push (that was given to Braun Strowman), Corbin has improved considerably over the past few months. His promos are getting better, his matches are more exciting than they were a year ago, and he does a great job of portraying the ‘I don’t care about anything or anyone’ jerk.

He’s a perfect heel that needs another critical milestone to achieve, and that milestone should be an Intercontinental Championship victory at WrestleMania 33.

With SmackDown in dire need of new stars, they should take advantage of Corbin’s improvements to give him a chance to see how he can do as a champion. Who knows, he might actually do well in that role, as long as WWE doesn’t cut his legs out from underneath him like they did with The Miz at No Mercy 2016.

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