#31 An angle to forget (WrestleMania 7)
WWE usually doesn't refer to the WrestleMania 7 main event for a reason - the storyline where Sgt. Slaughter was turned into an Iraqi sympathizer to exploit the Gulf War was panned as being one of the most poorly-done angles in the company's history. True, Sergeant Slaughter got a lot of heat in the moment, and Hogan got cheers for defeating him that night, but it was a bad look for the company and remains a bad look to this day.
Thankfully, the match itself wasn't terrible. Hogan would have much worse matches in his career, but the entire atmosphere leaves a bad taste in one's mouth. The crowd was the only thing that truly saved it from being ranked even lower. At least the "good guy" was cheered in the end as he was supposed to be, and the angle was thankfully lost to the sands of time.