#8 Roman Reigns (Universal Champion)

Ring work: Roman Reigns can usually be relied on to deliver a solid match, if not a classic. Though he's had his notable failures, particularly this year, his weekly matches are dependable.
Character work: This was and is Roman Reigns' weakest point. There's still not a whole lot of depth to his character or reason for fans to care a whole lot about him. This, combined with his bizarre booking, makes for a disconnect that shatters the illusion of wrestling.
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Crowd connection: This is the big inconsistency. At times, crowds could care less about his matches. At other times, they care enough to be enraged. He doesn't connect the way Vince McMahon wants him to, but his controversial character grabs attention and keeps it, which is half the battle.
Prospects: This is ultimately what puts Roman Reigns at a decent rank. His feud with Braun Strowman was last year's best, and if they can recapture some of that magic and book it properly, it can be great again. The alliance between the Shield is surely to divert heat from Roman Reigns, but it does present an interesting dynamic in Roman Reigns' feuds if booked properly.
Showdowns with Drew McIntyre are also probably in order, which should make for a great program if there isn't bizarre booking involved.