#18 John Cena vs. Randy Orton - Summerslam 2007
By now we've all become used to seeing John Cena and Randy Orton at the top of the WWE mountain, and as far as most of us are concerned, it's all been happening just too damn long. Cena and Orton are a poor man's Rock and Austin, yet unfortunately, we got to see far more of them than we ever got to see of the aforementioned legends over the years.
That being said, their main event at Summerslam 2007 was probably the strongest match they ever had between themselves.
For better or worse, this was the right match up back in 2007. Two of the company's top stars going at it, one-on-one. It still strikes many of us as a surprise that the two have never met at a Wrestlemania, but at least they did main event here. The match was actually pretty good, and the John Cena-Randy Orton fatigue that we now all feel shouldn't be allowed to take too much away from that.
Maybe there will be a generation of young children who will grow up and look back on this as a really important moment in their childhood, which is why it does make the top 20. But it's safe to say both men probably had better matches in their respective careers.
#17 Shawn Michaels vs. Hulk Hogan - Summerslam 2005
Many will disagree, but this match comes in at a fairly central position owing to the fact that so many of us cannot work out exactly what we think of this one. Any occasion in which the Immortal Hulk Hogan goes head to head with Shawn Michaels ought to be treated with the ultimate amount of respect - unless, of course, your name is Shawn Michaels.
This was supposed to be one of three matches between the two, with Shawn picking up a victory along the way. For one reason or another, plans were changed and this ended up being the only meeting. Shawn, upset at the last minute change, brought out a side to him we hadn't seen since the mid 90s.
He oversold more than was necessary, deliberately jumping around the ring at the slightest touch from the Hulkster. Somehow, despite HBK's antics, the match wasn't too bad, but it could have been more.
#16 Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton - Summerslam 2004
Back in 2004, Randy Orton was busy being shoved down our throats. The guy had all the talent and was still young enough to have the right attitude, but he probably could have done with more time in the mid-card division.
Unfortunately, the WWE didn't have much to work with at this time so Orton had a fairly clear path to the top.
Due to obvious reasons, this match has all been wiped from the memory of WWE folklore, but for those who remember watching it, the action was pretty solid.
Benoit always struggled to have a poor match and he was able to make Orton look better than he was. It's certainly a good enough main event to make the top 20, but not much more than that.