#2 Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle became the No. 1 contender for Eddie Guerrero's WWE Championship at WrestleMania XX. This feud revolved around Angle feeling that Guerrero holding the title was disrespectful, due to his troubled past. What ensued was a storyline of continuity and passion from both Angle and Guerrero.
At WrestleMania, Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle put on an incredible match with a very original finish. Angle locked Guerrero in the Ankle Lock, but the latter untied his boot and slipped out, before winning the match with a small package.
As mentioned earlier, Angle became SmackDown GM due to an injury, and his main job was to make life a living hell for Eddie Guerrero.
After costing Eddie Guerrero the WWE Championship to JBL, Angle was fired when it was revealed that he faked his injury to screw Guerrero. Angle was forced to face Guerrero at SummerSlam, and lost.
The two would have a few more encounters on SmackDown, and the feud ended up being one of the best of all time. It was fantastic storytelling.