#7 The Unholy Trinity

We have only seen the final iteration of The Undertaker a handful of times, but it was enough to land an alright spot on this list. The Unholy Trinity is basically the amalgamation of elements from The Deadman, the American Badass, and Mark Calaway the man. And it made for a very intriguing character.
WWE was somewhat forced into making the change, as AJ Styles had pulled back the curtain and revealed The Undertaker as a real-life man, making their WrestleMania match extremely personal. Styles even brought up his wife, Michelle McCool, further stripping away from the undead nature of 'Taker's persona.
The Undertaker added much more realistic elements to his character, preparing us for the 'Last Ride' documentary which showed him in a completely different light to what we have seen of him throughout his career. And the result was a success, as depicted in the Boneyard Match between 'Taker and Styles.
The cinematic brawl was fantastic, earning rave reviews from pretty much every WWE fan. All three versions of The Undertaker merged perfectly to give us one hell of a gun-slinger, having one final battle. It was a bold fresh look for a performer having his last match. And we commend The Undertaker for that. This may have been a little higher if we saw some more of the Unholy Trinity in WWE.