#5 WrestleMania XXIX – Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar
The feud between Brock Lesnar and Triple H kicked off the night after Extreme Rules 2012 when Lesnar lost to John Cena. Lesnar made monetary and promotional demands that were agreed to by John Laurinaitis but were rejected by Triple H.
This lead to Lesnar breaking Triple H’s arm and to him being fired from the WWE in the storyline. After enough time passed, Paul Heyman accepted Triple H’s request for a match which lead to the SummerSlam main event where Lesnar broke Triple H’s arm again.
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When Triple H returned in 2013 with his new haircut, the match was eventually made a No Hold Barred match with Triple H’s career on the line.
This match had a very awkward placing at WrestleMania because it was sandwiched between the CM Punk-Undertaker match and the WWE Championship match between The Rock and John Cena.
Not to mention the fact that Triple H accidently got some of the dry ice on himself during his entrance in what can only be described as…awkward looking.
Despite some awkward placement, the match was still really good. Both men went to town on each other with the various weapons. The interferences by Paul Heyman and Shawn Michaels managed to add to the match rather than take away from it.
The match ended when Triple H pedigreed Lesnar onto the steel steps and got the pin; the last time he was pinned in a match until Survivor Series 2016.
The match wasn’t the best of either man’s career nor could it hope to live up to the match that proceeded it, but it was still solid nonetheless.