It looks as though the Usos could be in for a huge push, and I’m excited for it. Reigns might be big and imposing, but he’s not the only member of that family who can work the ring. No, I’m not talking about Rosey, The Rock, Tamina, or even Rikishi, I’m talking about Rikishi’s boys, and it’s about time they’ve been given the chance.
I think it’s terrible that they had to step in the ring with a loose cannon like Swagger, but he didn’t seem to injure either of the boys, so they lucked out. Though I will say Cesaro looked great in the ring, as he always does, and the Usos looked that much better for him. The Usos have been growing in fantastic ways, and it seems the sky is still the limit for the Uso twins.
I also didn’t pick Sandow to win the other MITBLM, but now that he has, I’m ecstatic! That man is great on mic, solid in the ring, and has such charisma that no one can dare ignore him. His work with Christian was really strong in this match, though few can look bad in the ring with the likes of Christian. Sandow really sold the heat that is growing on him for how he won the MITBLM, and he did great with it in his match, but also how he fled through the fans to get away from Cody.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
The Divas match actually lasted longer than Christian’s match, and I have to admit that shocks me because one of the Divas in that match was a Bella – known for not having much in the way of ring skills. I will say Nikki made it look great that she was leaning against the apron of the ring to keep her balance due to the fact that she’s still on crutches, but the star of this match was Naomi. I hope she gets recognised for just how great her ring work is.
King and JBL were talking about how Naomi is one of the best and most athletic Divas in the locker room, and I think she is. That young woman is a star, could be the next Trish Stratus if given the chance, and it looks as though that might be happening. Fingers crossed because she is just great, and the Divas Division needs someone like her.
Punk and Heyman were the best of the mic work for the night. Most of the best matches, storylines and feuds are between people who are the best of friends. Look at how HBK and Triple H worked together – as allies and foes. The same can be said for Owen and Bret Hart. Punk and Heyman work so well because they are so close. They bring up emotions, throw in real moments that just don’t exist when opponents don’t have a true history together. Punk and Heyman are the best of friends, so their feud is something that feels real.
As if their friendship wasn’t enough, these are two of the best talkers in the business. They make every moment something you can touch or taste; you can smell the blood as it flows. Despite Brock Lesnar‘s presence, the true feud is between Heyman and Punk, and they are the key to making everything between Punk and Brock more than just a fight between two top guys. I just hope Punk doesn’t get hurt in the process because Brock only cares about three things – himself, his money and Sable, possibly in that order.
Triple H and Steph are already starting to pull Maddox in a number of directions, and make comments about McMahon behind his back, or at least Triple H has. They’re going to drive that poor boy as crazy as they drove Vickie, and it’s going to be a lot of fun to watch. Maddox is handling himself so much better than he did even a month ago. He’s able to remember his lines, and peoples’ names these days, always a step in the right direction. I can’t say I don’t laugh at him rather than with him, but he’s fun to laugh at.