Ryback runs stiff
I’m thrilled that Big E has finally turned face. This man is a natural face, and it was horrible that they forced him into a heel role. I don’t like that Ryback is paired with Heyman, as it isn’t working out, but it’s better than keeping Big E heel and forcing him into more of a role that wouldn’t work for him. I love Big E as a face, and I think this is a huge step in the right direction for him, and it doesn’t hurt that both Vince McMahon and John Cena big fans of Big E. I wonder if that might be why Ryback was working so hard against Big E, maybe his too large ego is bruised.
Back in the day, and I mean way back in the day, Dutch Mantell carried a bullwhip named Matilda. It looks as though Zeb has brought her out of the mothballs. I don’t know what the plan is for her, but every little bit helps right now, as Zeb has been a bit of a joke lately. Working with El Torito hasn’t helped his situation. What also hasn’t helped was Funkasaurus’ botch in this match. It wasn’t a big one, but before Cesaro’s giant swing, Funkasaurus looked like he was taking a nap on the mat as he was waiting for Cesaro to swing him around. On the other hand, I love that Cesaro is running with the giant swing and again making it his thing.
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I loved the video they showed about Cena’s start in the WWE with Kurt Angle, and how he grew through the years, I just wish they’d shown more of Cena’s earlier years. I also have to mention that Angle’s integrity this weekend. He was supposed to be inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame, but turned it down when Sting handed him the ring, because he didn’t feel like he deserved it. Between the time Angle was announced for the TNA HOF, and when he was inducted, he was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, and spent time in rehab. I give Angle huge props for standing by his integrity.
Tag team match for nothing
I really enjoyed watching the Usos working against Reigns and Rollins, but I wish it had come to some sort of fruition. I also need to go back are re-watch the match so I can enjoy the mic work of Cody and Goldust on announce. I know they were great, but I was so busy writing the moves as they happened, so I didn’t get a chance to really enjoy listening to them. I am sure that this Triple Threat Tag Match at Hell In A Cell will be fantastic, but I’m not big on mutli-team matches, especially booked during a gimmick pay-per-view.
I’m usually not big on contract signing, because they’re usually all the same. Everyone talks big, then someone takes a swing and the set is trashed. I have to give WWE creative huge props for changing things up with this one. It was smart to have Trip and Steph in the ring, but downright brilliant to have HBK there. I enjoyed the banter back and forth between Orton and Bryan, but it was the way HBK questioned what Trip turned into that made this contract signing so much more than just names on a piece of paper. And then there’s Big Show in that truck. Yes, it’s been done before, and a number of times, but it’s been a long time since it happened, so like the ring breaking, it’s worth using again. Stone Cold Steve Austin always did a great job of bringing vehicles into arenas, but he never looked as big and bold as Big Show standing there in black leather in the doorway to that truck! That ending was just what the WWE needed for their go-home to Hell In A Cell.