C.M Punk is having a disastrous run at UFC at the moment. Punk's UFC career is beyond doubtful considering his recent outing against Mike Jackson being regarded as one of the worst bouts in the history of UFC. Before shifting to UFC, C.M Punk worked for WWE as a professional wrestler and had been performing for the industry since 2005. Punk's exit from WWE came as a huge surprise for everyone but it was much controversial than what hit the television screen. What is popularly known as Pipebomb, C.M. Punk blamed WWE of ass-kissing, cheating and favoring selected wrestlers in their WWE roster.

C.M Punk who is regarded as one of the best wrestlers in the history of WWE made himself a household name, after the Pipebomb he dropped in an episode of RAW. C.M Punk openly criticised Chairman Vince Mcmahon, COO Triple H and other legendary wrestlers like The Rock and John Cena.
The Issue
C.M Punk had time and again showed his discomfort against WWE and unlike other wrestlers of the past, like Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock who openly criticised the Mcmahon family, Punk's resent was original and not part of a storyline. C.M Punk lists himself as one of the longest reigning WWE Champion at 434 days.

C.M Punk during his title run complained about being disregarded and not given the push he deserved. Let's take a look at the Pipebomb before coming back to the issue that C.M Punk faced at his time at WWE, something which he believed was faced by every other wrestler in the WWE. (except a few)
It is said that Vince Mcmahon gave C.M Punk the opportunity to speak his mind and prepare his own promo, (each word in a wrestler's promo is scrutinized by the creative team, approved and then allowed to be delivered in the ring). While being at it, C.M Punk interfered in John Cena's fight against R Truth and could be seen donning the mic to cut probably the best promo in the history of WWE.
The Pipebomb
C.M Punk broke the fourth wall during his speech and continued to disregard Vince McMahon in future interviews as well. After pipebomb, C.M Punk leveled new heights in his career.

In a more intriguing storyline, Punk announced to the WWE audience that his contract would expire in July and that he had the opportunity to leave WWE as a Champion in his hometown of Chicago. In the weeks that followed, C.M Punk left WWE as a Champion amidst the Chicago crowd as part of a storyline. While it was clear that Vince had extended Punk's contract which would prove to be a game changer for C.M Punk, making him one of the highest paid wrestler, but the relationship between Punk and WWE only deteriorated over time.
The Retirement
In what was a promising start for the 36-year-old Punk, his exit from WWE was not a happy retirement for the wrestler. C.M Punk vowed that he would never return to wrestling and subsequent interviews after Punk's exit from WWE, signaled that Punk had still not forgiven McMahon as he rejected McMahon's apology at Steve Austin's show and called it a publicity stunt.

C.M Punk did not appear on any show of WWE after the 2014 Royal Rumble where he was eliminated by already eliminated Kane. C.M Punk did not make an appearance after that, McMahon expressed his regret in not giving Punk a good last show.
While C.M Punk is still a favorite of many, his run at UFC hasn't been impressing at all. If one day, Punk do think of making a comeback in the ring, McMahon has already expressed his desire to work with Punk again.