Road to WrestleMania XXX - Ideal path for Randy Orton

Randy Orton

Randy Orton is one of those superstars that have been in a downward spiral in the past year. Despite being the WWE World heavyweight a certain sense of staleness haunts Orton no matter what he tries to do.

The drop of Orton was more than evident in every segment he was involved as Orton was pulled into the background due to his inability to adapt to the changing crowd. The WWE Universe seems to be cheering more for a mid-card heel like Antonio Cesaro while they flood Orton with jeers.

For a superstar who has an impressive resume like Orton, the lack of reaction he gets is something that is a saddening sight. There is no doubt about the in ring skills of Orton or his talent in pulling promos but the creative should look into how they make him deliver this as we have already seen his “I’m the champion and no one can beat me” promo almost 1286 times.

With WrestleMania approaching faster than ever, there is a sense confusion among the writers on how to book Orton for the grand stage. So here is a look at the best way in which WWE can lay the path for the Viper in order to get the most out of him and others around him.

I will win at Elimination Chamber

Typical Orton

Typical Orton

Typical Orton, it would be the 1287th time that he pulls off this one but fortunately this would be the last.

He is going to take a dig at all the possible targets with Daniel Bryan, Sheamus and John Cena being the most notable ones. Since the Authority is bound to test Orton at all limits, he will be put into singles match with each and every opponent before the Chamber arrives.

Hearing this, Orton as usual would boast about his family tradition, being the champion and all the blah blahs that he has been doing over the year.

The Singles Matches

Getting knocked out

Getting knocked out

However, Orton ain’t going to live up to his words as he will lose all the five matches that the Authority puts him into.

Things started off against Daniel Bryan and could end with John Cena as Cesaro, Sheamus and Christian would act as fillers. Cesaro getting a win over the champion will be the biggest upset since Orton will be brimming with complacency and most importantly due to the unpredictability factor.

These losses will drive Orton to the edge of madness so that all it takes would a gentle push to send Orton into the abyss. Randy Orton on the edge will have a lot of prove heading into the elimination chamber.

And in order to shut Orton up from delivering another 1288th promo, the Authority could tell him to speak through his matches rather than microphone leaving Orton no choice than to wait till Elimination Chamber to prove himself.

The Gentle Push (Elimination Chamber match)

The one who benefits

The one who benefits

With a lot to prove to the WWE Universe and the Authority, Orton will set foot into the chamber to defend the title against five men.

Antonio Cesaro and Daniel Bryan could start the match while Sheamus will be the third entrant. Orton will be lucky four but he would run into Brogue kick and make the record for the worst performance inside the Chamber after being eliminated by Sheamus.

Getting the gentle push into the abyss, Orton would then attack Sheamus by dragging him out of the Chamber and attacking him viciously.

A punt kick will knock out Sheamus thus leaving Orton as the silent cold blooded viper while Sheamus will be taken of in a stretcher.

Daniel Bryan could then go on to win the title setting up his match with Batista at WrestleMania main event.

Sheamus wants Orton at WrestleMania

I want you

I want you

Orton cost Sheamus his title shot and knocked the hell out of the Celtic warrior. And Sheamus doesn’t back away from a fight.

The most logical decision that Sheamus would take will be to challenge Orton for WrestleMania in order to settle the scores. With not even a word uttered Orton could RKO Sheamus and say yes making him look more vicious than he was over the past year.

A silent Orton will prove to be a more deadly than on with the mic as Orton could take less talk more action approach.

Thus the match will be set and the Authority would make the things more interesting by giving the winner a chance to face the champion after WrestleMania.

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus (WrestleMania XXX)

No. 1 Contendership match

No. 1 Contendership match

Orton would head into this match with a lot of shame to clear off his back. Sheamus meanwhile will be looking to settle the scores. The added stipulation of title shot makes the match more intriguing leaving us with a solid buildup.

Having a great chemistry together, the duo would produce a memorable match with both having no intentions of giving up.

The result could go either way but making Orton win and putting him back into the title scene will be the better option as all the part timers would go back into the den after WrestleMania. Say Bryan retains the title, then we could have a memorable feud between Orton and Bryan with Orton being more silent than a blabbering clown.

The two could then go on to produce epic matches thus changing the gimmick of Orton and making money for the company in the process.