We are welcomed to Final Battle, the last ROH Pay-Per-View of the year by Steve Corino and Kevin Kelly in the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City.
They preview the lineup of the night and then announce that the originally scheduled 4 corners survival match for the ROH TV Championship has been changed to a 3-way with Champion Marty Scurll defending against Will Ospreay and Dragon Lee
In the pre-show before the actual main card, Cheeseburger and Will Ferrara defeated The Tempura Boyz (Sho and Yohey).
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
Results of the main card are as follows:
#1 The Rebellion (Caprice Coleman, Kenny King & Rhett Titus) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) & Donovan Dijak
Kenny King and Chris Sabin kick things off. The match starts off in a fast-paced manner. Dijak then comes in, with Coleman showing great reluctance.
The Rebellion then comes in and takes the Machine Guns off the apron. Good showing from both teams, and a spot where The Machine Guns are about to pick up the win after they and Dijak are beating down Rhett Titus. However, Coleman and King managed to make it on time to break the pin.
This leads to a sequence with all six men going at it against each other, and Dijak is left standing tall. He attempts to do a moonsault but ends up getting a drop kick from Titus. In the ring, Caprice hits Sabin with the Sky Splitter leg drop, and Titus follows it up with the “Big Dawg” Frog Splash on Sabin and pins him.
Winners: The Rebellion
#2 Silas Young (w/Beer City Bruiser) vs Jushin Thunder Liger
The Japanese legend Jushin Thunder Liger gets a great response from The New York crowd. Liger offers to shake Young’s hand, but Silas responds by kneeing him to the midsection. He continues to get the upper hand on Liger in the initial bit. Liger manages to turn things around.
After finally knocking Liger down, Young tries to remove Liger’s mask and instead ends up hitting him with a neck breaker, failing to get the count.
The fans are behind the Japanese veteran in this one. Liger tries to hit Young with a suplex but Bruiser holds Young’s legs. Liger then manages to knock both men down with a double clothesline.
A mini Tye Dillinger ten count is started by the fans. Young then drinks Bruiser’s beer and pours it onto Liger. After Liger hits Young with a brain buster, he goes on top to try to finish it, but Young joins him there. Liger knocks down Young, and Bruiser runs across the apron only to get knocked down, spitting out his beer.
Jushin leaps from the top but Young lifts his knees up and then hits the “Misery” on Liger to pin him.
Winner: Silas Young
#3 Dalton Castle(w/The Boys) vs Colt Cabana
Dalton Castle makes a grand entrance on a chariot with the boys. With Cabana now a heel, there is less comedy in the match early on. A group of fans try to start “CM Punk” chants but get booed and shut out by the remainder of the crowd.
Dalton gets the upper hand in the beginning of the match, which frustrates Cabana. He then goes after the boys, and it backfires on him, so he stays out of the ring to regroup. Dalton hits Cabana with a bunch of suplexes, but Cabana manages to get momentum on his side when he trips Dalton on the table, knocking him down.
Later on, Cabana manages to counter Dalton’s bridge suplex into The Billy Goat Curse Submission, which is now known as “The Cubs Win! The Cubs Win!”. Dalton manages to get to the ropes. After multiple attempts at hitting the Bang-a-Rang and multiple reversals, Dalton finally manages to hit the Bang-A-Rang to pin Cabana for the three count.
Winner: Dalton Castle
#4 Cody Rhodes vs Jay Lethal
A Jay Lethal promo airs hyping the Cody Rhodes vs Jay Lethal match. Brandi Rhodes is there to introduce Cody. While her mic doesn’t work initially, it then does, and she goes on to say that if you aren't down with him(Cody), then she’s got two words for you, with the crowd then erupting into a resounding “Suck it”.
Cody (Rhodes) then makes his entrance to loud “Cody” chants and streamers.
Jay Lethal makes his way out with a special vest. It is a list of his own on the back of it, with Kurt Angle, Ric Flair, Alberto Del Rio, and Jay Briscoe on it, and below that, Cody Rhodes. All names are checked except Cody’s.
The Addiction comes out and grabs a mic, and Christopher Daniels says that this is the biggest show of the year and that they weren’t going to miss this. The crowd then tells them to shut up. Daniels mentions Cody’s debut and puts over Jay Lethal saying that he is arguably the greatest ROH World Champion they ever had.
He talks about watching Dusty Rhodes and how he inspired him, and how the wrestling business needs more people like Cody. He tells Cody that he needs to prove himself in Ring Of Honor. He then praises the ROH fans. They then announce that they will take over the commentary.
Both Cody and Lethal shake hands in the Code of Honor. It starts out evenly matched, with each competitor reversing the other’s hold. Corino does not look happy on the outside. The word is that this may Lethal’s last PPV with ROH before he heads to WWE.
Lethal hits a missile dropkick on Cody which moves the momentum to his side, albeit for a short period of time. After much back and forth, Cody goes outside and Lethal hits him with 2 suicide dives, but unsuccessfully attempts the third one. Cody then gets some offence in and then does the cartwheel and the Stardust pose.
More back and forth between the two competitors which saw Lethal hit The Lethal Combination on Cody for just a two count. He then applies the cross faced submission after hitting him with the torture rack, but Cody gets out of it and applies the Indian death lock. Lethal manages to grab the ropes to break the hold.
The momentum shortly falls back to Lethal, and just as he is about to set up the Lethal Injection, he accidentally bumps into the referee, which leads Cody to hit the low blow on Lethal. The crowd erupts in boos and Cody hits Lethal with the Cross Rhodes to give him the pin and win.
Winner: Cody Rhodes
After the match, Cody starts to disrespect the crowd and laughs at them for booing him. He points to the word honor on his boots. He then mocks the Code Of Honor by putting his hand out to shake to a fallen Lethal. He then flips him off and stomps him. Cody then gets nuclear heat as The Addiction is heading to the ring.
The crowd starts to chant “FU Cody”. He flips the timekeeper, he shoves the referee, he then also grabs a drink from the crowd and throws it at him. The Addiction begins to go after him but he runs away, only to come back shortly thereafter and shove Steve Corino. Steve gets up and goes after him but Cody runs away once again.
#5 ROH World Six-man Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals – The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan, and Vinny Marseglia) vs Kushida, Lio Rush, and Jay White
The new six-man tag team belts are unveiled before the match
Before the match started, Corino comments on Cody’s actions saying that it is a result of Kevin Sullivan and that Cody may be the “evil” he promised coming to ROH.
The action starts fast paced. Kevin Kelly mentions Taven’s bad luck in Final Battle shows in the past. The Kingdom do not have momentum on their side and they try to recuperate, but Kushida, Rush, and White are in total control.
The finish sees Taven throw Rush to the ropes and O’Ryan hit him with the Cane. The Kingdom hit Rush with a triple team powerbomb to get the win and become the new six-man tag team champions.
Winners: AND NEW ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions, The Kingdom
#6 ROH Television Championship – Triple Threat Match – Marty Scurll(c) vs Will Ospreay vs Dragon Lee
As mentioned, Bobby Fish is not in this match, either due to an injury or a storyline.
As expected, this match delivers a high-flying spot fest, and it is one that simply cannot be missed out on. The finish sees Ospreay hit a twisting spin kick to Dragon Lee followed by a move that looks like a Lethal Injection.
Marty Scurll grabs Ospreay and throws him out of the ring, he then applies the cross face chicken wing to Dragon Lee, who taps out, thus ensuring Scurll retains the Television championship.
Winner: AND STILL ROH Television Champion, Marty Scurll
#7 ROH World Tag Team Championship – The Young Bucks(c) vs The Briscoes
Kevin Kelly makes a comment about The Bucks’ future in ROH, which tends to be an indicator that they are staying.
The Superkick party starts rather early on in the bout. They also power bomb The Briscoes on the apron, and Corino calls it a tribute to Kevin Steen (AKA Kevin Owens in the WWE). The Young Bucks try to go for The Terminator on The Briscoes but they avoid and counter with a clothesline.
With the momentum now on The Briscoes side, they start a superkick party on The Bucks, who then retaliate. The crowd is red hot for this match, which has seen little to no actual tags made. The finale of the match sees The Bucks hitting Mark with The Meltzer Driver, and Jay breaks the pin up.
Both Briscoes end up on their knees and The Bucks hit a long series of superkicks, which The Briscoes end up no-selling. They beg the Bucks for more, who happily oblige and hit them with about 10 superkicks each, and The Bucks pin them for win.
Winners: AND STILL ROH World Tag Team Champions, The Young Bucks
The arena goes black, and up on the screen is “Broken” Matt Hardy, which leads the arena to erupt. Broken Matt says that he and Brother Nero will be coming to ROH to go after the “Spot Monkeys” that are The Young Bucks to prove that they are the best team in the galaxy.
He says that he will make the spot monkeys and the rednecks obsolete, and then he will delete them. The crowd then chants “Delete” with Hardy, and continue to do so for the next few minutes.
#8 ROH World Championship – No DQ match – Adam Cole(c) vs Kyle O’Reilly
Nigel McGuiness joins the commentary and talks about how O’ Reilly asked for the stipulation. When Kevin Kelly asks about the Broken Matt Hardy video that aired just then, McGuiness kept quiet about it.
The match starts out with a full-fledged brawl, even going outside the arena. O’Reilly momentarily has momentum. Adam Cole works on O’Reilly’s injured shoulder which had been taped for months(but is not taped on the night). The match is an all-out fight, with Adam Cole busting open O’Reilly with the ROH World Title.
Kyle O’Reilly is crimson red throughout the match, drenched in blood.
O’Reilly manages to bust open Cole after he DDT’s him through the table. In the ring, Adam Cole pours thumbtacks and tries to suplex O’Reilly onto them, but O’Reilly fights out and applies a guillotine choke, which he transitions into a triangle choke.
Cole powers him up and slams him onto the thumbtacks. Cole tries to finish him there but O’Reilly counters and gives Cole a brainbuster onto the thumbtacks, and applies an armbar submission on Cole on top of the thumbtacks, forcing him to tap out.
Winner: AND NEW ROH World Champion, Kyle O’Reilly
Cary Silkin presents the title to O’Reilly, who celebrates to close the show.
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