#Difference: Mic and In-ring Skills
While The Rock is one of the greatest talkers in the history of WWE, Roman Reigns has been criticised time and again for his poor promo skills. There have been numerous instances of Reigns forgetting his lines on Live TV which have been a major source of embarrassment for The Big Dog. The Rock has an excellent grip over the psyche of the fans and has a way with words.
While as a performer Reigns has an upper hand over his fake cousin The Rock. The Rock for all his mic skills and dashing personality is an average in-ring performer at best. His move set is boring as he only uses a handful of moves during his matches and sometimes oversells his opponent's moves to a great extent.
But even with these limitations, both Reigns and Rock have been able to connect with the audience in their own way and have gone to win multiple world championships in their respective careers.