Ronda Rousey completely smashed Becky Lynch on Raw when she turned heel for the first time in her tenure as a WWE wrestler. And considering the kind of reaction that she got, it just feels like she should have been doing this all along. Her heel turn does bring her career trajectory in WWE to a full circle as now she's done it all. She's been a babyface, she's been a hero and now she's the villain. The villain who just beat up the crowd favorite in Becky Lynch.
What works for Ronda Rousey is her persona in the real world as she always has been someone with a "No quarters took or given attitude" even when she was in UFC. This won her a lot of fans but also put her on the bad side of many others as there were many who just found her too arrogant and too full of herself. The same did spill over to WWE as well and there were many instances when despite her being a babyface she was booed out of the building (as she rightfully pointed out).

What this heel turn also does is it just lets her be herself, she was never a happy-go-lucky person when she was part of the UFC. This turn just lets her express that side of her which everyone was more habitual with. To add to it, this lets her be what she originally is, "The Baddest Woman On The Planet".
How did you like her heel turn? let us know in the comments section!