2. Counterpoint: Too many turns limit a character

There are reasons why, once their big pushes started, WWE never turned John Cena or Roman Reigns, even when a vocal portion of the WWE audience started booing them. Could these guys work as heels? Almost certainly.
But if WWE wants to position them as the icons of their generation, it’s a more straightforward kayfabe story to tell that they were always good guys.
Additionally, face and heel turns can diminish a star and limit a character. It’s no longer a shock when The Big Show or Kane turn face or turn heel, because both men have executed so many times across their high profile careers.
As such, no one really trusts these men to stay put in a role, and it makes for an underwhelming moment when they do turn again.
If WWE wants to make Charlotte Flair a legitimate top level star, it make sense to be protective of turning her too much, particularly when she has already had one substantial heel run already in her main roster tenure.