Huge WWE news shook the world of sports entertainment this week, as the Sasha Banks and Naomi controversy continues to heat up.
After the WWE Tag Team Champions decided to relinquish their title belts and leave last week's RAW, they were suspended indefinitely by the company. Vince McMahon apparently decided to very publicly air that same dirty laundry. Michael Cole not only announced the punishment live on Smackdown but also proceeded to bury the two ladies in the process.
This is rare for the promotion. They typically keep things like that under wraps and behind the scenes. But when they get so miffed that they feel the need for revenge, they've fired these same shots in the past.
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They did it with Stone Cold Steve Austin when he supposedly 'took his b*ll and went home.' The Rattlesnake was the biggest star they had at the time. Naomi and Sasha shouldn't be shocked that they've received the same kind of treatment as well.
At this point, it really doesn't matter who is right or wrong in this situation. More than likely, both Banks and Naomi will return to honor their contracts once things cool off.
The bigger issue seems to center around the titles that The Boss and Glow Connection take very seriously, but no one else seems to hold in high regard.
When the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship was first introduced, it seemed like the final piece of the puzzle for a thriving division
When the women's belts were originally introduced, the division was probably as strong as it's ever been. Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair were established as two of the biggest stars in the world. The pair, along with Ronda Rousey, were on their way to making history together.
Many of the ladies' matches were being lauded as the best on the card that night, and they were just as much a part of the show as their male counterparts.
There was so much talent there that pairing some of these shooting stars and giving them something to chase only made sense. Hence, the birth of a new championship. While this should have been a positive step forward, it has turned out to be an albatross for WWE.
Most of the duos that have held the belts are merely just slapping two singles performers together in a makeshift team. Subconsciously, that de-values them, whether fans realize that or not. For whatever reason, seeing an established team together for a while has much more appeal than a mismatched combination.
Another factor in this failure is that the belts were rarely defended on television and were lucky to be featured in a dark match for a premium live event. Without proper exposure, they had no real value, no matter who held them.
At this point, the audience has mentally checked out in regards to the WWE Women's Team Championship. Something that was met with initial excitement has now become an afterthought. It also doesn't look like there are any real answers when it comes to breathing life into the division.
With so many issues both past and present, and no real solution in sight, should WWE just tap out and discontinue these titles? Is there any point in trying to resurrect a division that has never seen that much success in the past?
Maybe this is a time where WWE backs away and maybe comes back with a new edition later. They have discontinued championships before and eventually re-launched them. That seems like a good idea (for now) with the women's titles.
Should WWE simply discontinue the Women's Tag Team Championship? Or should they look to sign some legitimate female duos and try to re-build the division? Please share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.