Sin Cara did a Q & A with to promote Friday’s WWE Live event in New Mexico. Below are some highlights :
Q. How does it feel to wrestle with a mask on?
It’s awesome, to be honest. For me, it’s been a great experience being able to represent my culture. When I was growing up, I used to see all those masked wrestlers – it was like super heroes to me. In a sense, I feel like a superhero once I put on that mask – like a warrior.
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Q. Who inspired you to become a pro wrestler? Did local legends like Eddie Guerrero motivate you?
My grandfather was the one who would always take me to the arenas in Juarez to watch wrestling. Ever since I can remember, I just wanted to be a wrestler. It was awesome for me to be able to see Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, all those guys that started in Cd. Juarez, be successful in their careers. That gave me the motivation. If they could do it, I could do it.
Q. It seems professional wrestlers have a lot of transitional periods, and many don’t make it to the top of the profession. Was there ever a time when you felt you could only get so far or had to quit?
I went through a lot earlier in my career because of the name (Mistico). I was the first Mistico to ever wrestle under that name, and the name got stolen by a company in Mexico that was using the name and that guy became very famous. I was not able to get a lot of bookings because that company had a lot of power, so I had to change my name to Incognito for a while and went through ups and downs in my career. There were times that I thought, “This is not for me – I just want to quit.” A lot of stuff like that went through my head. I was fortunate enough to have the strength and the faith to keep going and now the tables have changed 360 degrees. Now I’m Sin Cara. I think when you have a lot of faith and you keep working hard anything can happen – I think I’m a testament of that. It’s pretty cool to be able to speak about it now. Everything that I went through, I wouldn’t change, because it’s made me who I am now.
Q. What’s it like to be a part of the WWE?
It’s a lot of work, man [laughs]. It’s very fun; it’s like a dream come true. We do travel a lot, but I can’t complain. Every time I’m out there, I always think, “This is what I wanted to do when I was a little kid,” so I always take pleasure in everything that I do and have fun with it. I understand that this doesn’t last forever, so I’m trying to do the best that I can while my body can hold up. I always treasure every time I’m out there.