Dean Ambrose v. Seth Rollins
With Roman reigns guaranteed to become a huge star in future, I hope the other two member of Shield also reach the top level. I say this because both Ambrose and Rollins have huge talent and it would be foolish on the part of WWE to not utilize it. The best way to kick start their Journey to the top is by having them Feud with each other immediately after the splitting up of The Shield.
I don’t want to see Ambrose and Rollins teaming with each other once Roman Leaves their group. The group should end the moment Roman leaves them. Maybe have this feud start immediately after Mania is over. Let these two have a long feud. Note I said a LONG feud and not a feud which is over after One PPV.
Give them 3 or 4 months to feud with each other and make it as personal as possible. I know some will say feud will be boring after 2 months. Now this is where WWE will have to act and think smartly. This could be a top class midcard feud if done properly. They dont need to face each other at every PPV, Build it gradually and make it personnel as the months goes by and then at Summerslam have them end their feud. Rollins should be the face and Ambrose should be the heel.
In earlier time WWE used to give a solid midcard feud which would run for 4 to 5 months , In some cases even 1 year. The one’s I can remember are Shawn Michaels v. Chris Jericho in 2008, Christian v. Jericho, Eddie v. Rey Mysterio and HBK v. HHH which ran for almost one year. I felt WWE missed a great chance of doing feud like this last year with Cody Rhodes and Sandow and 4 years ago with Cody and Ted Di Biasie Jr. I hope they do the right thing this time.
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.