Impact Wrestling put on their biggest event of the year, Slammiversary, on July 2. The match card was stacked with some of the best workers of Impact Wrestling. The event led to the culmination of some intriguing angles that had been running for a few weeks.
Slammiversary XV will go down in history as the first PPV of the new era of Impact Wrestling. The show featured some stellar matches with high octane action. The event was headlined by Alberto El Patron and Bobby Lashley. We take a look at all the matches, and their results.
The pre-show featured a mixed tag team match.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
#1 Allie, Braxton Sutter and Mahabali Shera vs. Laurel Van Ness, KM and Kongo Kong
Allie and Laurel took to each other even before the bell. Sutter entered the fray and capitalised on KM; soon Mahabali Shera and Kong were in the ring, and Kong downed Shera with a massive headbutt.
Allie soon tagged in and went after Laurel, and hit a dropkick on Laurel for a two count. Allie’s codebreaker was countered by Van Ness. After another exchange between KM and Sutter, Shera and Kong entered the ring. Kong hit a big splash on Shera in the corner but missed out on his second attempt at the move. This sent him crashing over the top and out of the ring.
The match ended when Allie hit the Allie Drop on KM for the win.
Winners: Allie, Braxton Sutter, and Mahabali Shera defeated Laurel Van Ness, KM and Kongo Kong
Robert Flores and Don West joined the commentary for the main show.
A vignette of GFW champion Alberto El Patron and the Impact Champion Bobby Lashley entering the Impact Zone earlier in the day was aired. Also, Paige was spotted in the front row in a mask, however, her identity was revealed after a fan clicked photos of her visitor card that clearly stated her real name.
The show started with a video package of Slammiversary with high moments of the event featuring former stars such as AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Bully Ray.
#2 Impact Tag Team champions LAX vs. Drago & Hijo del Fantasma vs. Laredo Kid & Garza Jr. vs. Naomichi Marufuji & Taiji Ishimori
Santana and Marufuji started the proceedings with some back and forth action. Marufuji unloaded with some great kicks. Laredo tagged in and hit a springboard splash into the ring followed by a reverse neck breaker. Ishimori joined the fray and got in some offence of his own. Ortiz tagged in and battled with Ishimori, and got in a few powerful moves including a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count.
Garza Jr. joined in and after a few moves, met with a hurricanrana by Ortiz. Drago hit a Superkick to send Garza out of the ring, while Fantasma and Drago cleaned the house together. Fantasma teased to take a dive but was distracted by LAX.
Santana landed some stiff kicks on Fantasma. LAX downed Drago with some brilliant double team. A pinfall was broken by up by Garza. In a high spot, everyone stacked up against each other and finally came tumbling down.
Drago hit Ishimori with a tornado DDT, diving off Fantasma's body. Three guys then went to the top rope for a Triple Moonsault only to have Marufuji break the pin. Ishimori took a dive over the top rope and managed to land on his feet.
Back inside the ring, Fantasma hit a spinning piledriver on Ishimori but Marufuji broke up the pin. Fantasma sent Marufuji to the outside and hit a big suicide dive on him. Homicide hit Garza with a few shots and sent him into the ring for LAX to capitalise. However, the pinning attempt was broken by Drago. Ortiz soon joined his LAX team member and hit a double team move on Laredo to get the win.
Winners: LAX defeated Drago & Hijo del Fantasma, Laredo Kid & Garza Jr., and Naomichi Marufuji & Taiji Ishimori to retain the GWF/Impact World Tag Team Championships
After the match, Konnan announced that they would soon be adding a new member to LAX.
In a backstage segment, Jeremy Borash was informed that his match would be contested under no disqualification rules. Borash was outraged, but Joseph Park calmed him down.
#3 Moose and DeAngelo Williams vs. Chris Adonis and Eli Drake
Moose and Williams were accompanied by Gary Barnidge. Moose and Adonis started off with the former bringing down his opponent. Drake got into the ring and dared Williams to step in, which William did, but was caught in a headlock. Williams escaped but was put down immediately.
Williams followed with a few arm drags; Moose got into the action and whipped Drake into the corner. Williams hit a cannonball in the corner. Adonis got Moose down and Drake attempted a springboard but Drake missed his footing and slipped. Moose and Adonis countered each other in the ring.
Williams begged for a tag and finally, Moose tagged him in. Williams hit a big shoulder tackle, chop, and a Samoan drop, and was followed by a standing moon sault by Williams. Moose got in and they both hit running sentons on Drake.
Moose then went for a corkscrew dive off the second rope. Williams and Drake then got a table. Drake and Adonis gained control as they set off on Moose. They set up the table in the ring but Moose countered and laid Adonis on the table. Williams then hit a Frog Splash but the table didn’t break, however, Williams went for the pin and got the win for his team.
Winners: Moose and DeAngelo Williams defeated Chris Adonis and Eli Drake
After the match, Moose and Williams brought Drake back into the ring and Moose power bombed him into the table.
In a backstage interview, EC3 revealed that Storm was the foundation of the company and he would take him apart brick by brick. EC3 went on to say that Storm would be emasculated and mutilated.
#4 EC3 vs. James Storm (Strap Match)
The two wrestlers were tied by a long strap to their wrists; Storm took the momentum right from the go. He whacked EC3 with the strap several times at the start of the match.
As the action moved to the outside, Storm picked up EC3 and laid him hard on the ring apron. EC3 managed to gain control and started choking Storm with the strap. EC3 landed some stiff shots on Storm with the whip. However, these whips got Storm even more fired up. He hit a cutter on EC3 and went to the top but was pulled down by EC3, landing in the middle of the ring.
EC3 went to the outside to get a pair of handcuffs and tried to cuff Storm to the steel connecting the turnbuckles and the ringpost, but Storm fought out of it. This resulted in EC3 getting cuffed instead. Storm then proceeded to hit over 30 shots with the strap on EC3. The referee managed to get the keys and released EC3 who fell into the corner.
Storm hit the One Percenter on EC3 for a near fall. EC3 managed to yank Storm’s face first into the ring post. EC3 then hit his finisher on Storm only for a near fall. Storm got up for a Superkick but soon collapsed in a heap.
The announcers reasoned that Storm was still feeling the effects of that hit against the post. The referee told EC3 to pin Storm and end the match. EC3 hit a double underhook driver instead and scored the pin. As soon as the match ended, medical staff rushed in to check on Storm.
Winner: EC3 defeated James Storm
In a backstage segment, Karen Jarrett was asking Dutch Mantel the whereabouts of Bruce Prichard. Mantell replied that Prichard was nowhere to be seen, and he left Prichard a voicemail.
Storm was helped out of the ring. He was seated on the ring steps and Pope made his way to the announce table for the next match.
#5 Jeremy Borash and Joseph Park vs. Josh Mathews and Scott Steiner (No DQ)
Mathews and Park started the match with Mathews using his quickness against Park. He went for a big running splash but ended up bouncing off Park. Park then downed Matthews with a shoulder tackle. Borash tagged in and Matthews went scurrying.
Borash was then looking across the ring at Steiner. He tagged out and Steiner hit some punches and an elbow drop on Park. Mathews went to the top rope and jumped on Park. Park and Borash were on the run as Steiner tore down a piece of barricade and hurled it at them.
The action shifted backstage where Steiner called on Matthews to get into a golf cart and chased Park and Borash. Borash and Park, however, sprayed them with fire extinguishers. Mathews chased Borash and ended up in the pool following a back body drop. Borash did a front flip into the pool. Steiner got hold of Park and was hitting him with some stiff shots.
Borash and Mathews were sent running from the pool due to Shark Boy. Park, on the other hand, came across his old manager James Mitchell, who had an Abyss mask with him.
The action shifted back to the ring where Matthews and Steiner were working on Borash. Shark Boy came out to create a distraction but ended up getting suplexed a few times by Steiner.
James Mitchell came out to Abyss’ music and in the middle of this chaos, Abyss appeared in the ring. He laid out Mathews and Steiner. Abyss dropped some tacks and slammed Matthews onto those tacks. Borash went for a Frog Splash on Matthews and connected, getting a few tacks in his hand. Abyss got the pin and the victory for Borash and Park.
Winners: Joseph Park/Abyss and Jeremy Borash defeated Scott Steiner and Josh Mathews
#6 Alisha Edwards and Eddie Edwards vs. Angelina Love and Davey Richards (Full Metal Mayhem match)
Alisha and Eddie attacked before Love and Richards made it to the ring. Alisha jumped off the top rope to the floor laying out opponents. The ringside area was lined up with tables, garbage cans, chairs a kendo stick, and ladders.
Alisha and Eddie whacked their opponents with the garbage can lids, and put garbage cans over Love and Richards and hit them with a barrage of Kendo stick shots. Eddie then power bombed Alisha onto Richards, but he managed to kick out at two.
Eddie went for another powerbomb but this time, Love hit him with a kendo stick. Richards then suplexed Eddie onto a chair. Love threw some tacks on Eddie and Richards then kicked him in the face. Alisha broke up the pin attempt and hit a couple of low blows on Richards.
Alisha then power bombed Love into an angled table. Richards got Eddie atop a ladder and headbutted him from the top of the ladder. Eddie moved over and hit a powerbomb off the ladder onto a table below to get the victory.
Winners: Eddie and Alisha defeated Angelina Love and Davey Richards
#7 Sonjay Dutt (c) vs. Low-Ki (2-out-3 Falls X-Division Championship)
The match started with Low Ki going for an early pin attempt, and then transitioned to an armbar submission. Dutt got to the rope, a Tornado DDT by Dutt followed by a Moonsault got him some momentum.
However, Low-Ki hit a low dropkick that sent Dutt flying across the ring. Low-Ki went to the high rent district but Dutt shocked him with some innovative offense. Low-Ki got the first pinfall with the Warrior's Way.
Dutt was having a hard time recovering from the pin and the referee started a ten count.Dutt was just playing possum as he then sent Low-Ki out of the ring. Back inside, Low-Ki went for another Warrior's Way, but ended up injuring his ankle. The ref stopped to check on Low-Ki but he pushed the referee on Dutt and landed a springboard kick.
He went for another Warrior's Way but missed again, hurting his ankle further. Dutt then jumped over the top rope. Dutt had Low-Ki in the middle of the ring with a leg submission, but Low-Ki reversed with the Warrior's Way. Low-Ki sold his ankle injury enabling Dutt to counter and pick up a pin of his own.
Low-Ki punched Sonjay in the face; the Referee started the count but Dutt got back up. Low-Ki hit a spinning kick and got a near fall. Dutt won the match with a Moonsault double stomp on Low-Ki.
Winner: Sonjay Dutt defeated Low-Ki to retain the X-Division Championship (2-1)
#8 Rosemary (Impact) vs. Sienna (GFW) (Unification match for the Impact Wrestling Knockouts and GFW Women's Championships)
Gail Kim was at ringside for this match. Before the match started, Laurel Van Ness was sent to the back by Sienna. As the match started, Rosemary got in some offence before she met with a release German suplex. Sienna then locked in an arm submission, and as Sienna taunted the crowd, Rosemary set her on the top rope.
Rosemary then hit Sienna with a release suplex. Rosemary continued the offence with a missile dropkick and a suplex, and got a two count. Rosemary hit the Red Wedding, but Laurel returned to help Sienna. Allie ran after Laurel with a kendo stick, and as the referee was distracted, Sienna hit Rosemary with the title.
Rosemary went for the mist but Sienna covered it and got some of the mist on her hand. Sienna then put the mist in Rosemary's eyes and locked her in a submission to get the win.
Winner: Sienna defeated Rosemary to become the Unified GFW/Impact Women's Champion
#9 Lashley (Impact) vs. Alberto El Patron (GFW) - (Unification match for the Impact Wrestling World Heavyweight and GFW Global Championships)
King Mo was on Lashley’s side while Dos Caras was with Patron. The two men exchanged suplexes to start the match; Patron sent Lashley to the outside, and went for a dive but was caught by Lashley. Lashley hit Alberto's head on the announce table a few times, while King Mo attacked Alberto and Dos Caras hit him with a chop.
Lashley then slammed Patron on the steps. Back inside the ring, Lashley went for the pin but Alberto kicked out. EL Patron got a superplex off the top rope and both men landed in the middle.
With the referee counting, the two men got up. Alberto hit some kicks to Lashley’s gut. He punched Lashley a few times before getting hit by a running bodyslam; this sequence got Lashley a near fall. He got Alberto on the top rope but Patron countered with an arm breaker on the ropes having a count of 5 to break.
Alberto followed with a backstabber and then missed an attempted suicide dive. Lashley tossed him back in the ring hit an elbow. Alberto managed to get in the arm breaker but Lashley lifted Alberto up and slammed him back-first into the mat for a two count.
Lashley then hit the Super Death Valley Driver for a two count. Lashley was taunting Dos Caras when Alberto hit him with a kick to the head. Lashley was dazed and got a double stomp in the corner. The action again moved to the outside as King Mo and Alberto shoved each other.
Alberto returned to the ring and got caught in the arm breaker but stomped Lashley to break the hold. Lashley hit EL Patron with a spear, and Alberto barely managed to kick out of that move.
King Mo and Dos Caras were at each other’s necks. A low blow by Dos Caras brought down Mo. Lashley saw the incident and whacked Dos Caras. Alberto then hit a double stomp from the top rope and was able to finally get a three count for the win.
Winner: Alberto El Patron defeated Bobby Lashley to unify the GFW/Impact World Championships