SmackDown kicks off with the WWE Champion The Rock. The Rock comes out and talks about a story when he was young in the city of Hershey, Pennsylvania. He then talks about his opponent, John Cena. He gets interrupted by “The People’s Power” John Laurinaitis, who says he had permission from Theodore Long to come out in the ring and talk to the WWE champion. He says John Cena is the reason he was fired from the post of General Manager of both Raw and SmackDown and that he wants retribution. The Rock asks the people in the arena what they think before delivering a spinebuster and People’s Elbow on John Laurinaitis.
1. Chris Jericho defeated Wade Barrett following a Code Breaker and after the match he holds the microphone in his hands and says that he have to settle with facing FanDango. Jericho starts making fun of his name(Fahn….Dhan…..Go….). FanDango comes out and walks away.
Booker T and Teddy Long come out to attend Mark Henry and Ryback‘s weight lifting competition. Ryback and Mark get the same score. After that, Booker T reminds them of his no contact rule. Mark drops the bar on Ryback”s neck and Ryback falls down grabbing his injured neck.
2. Team Hell No and Kaitlyn defeated Dolph Ziggler, Big E Langston, and AJ Lee. following a Spear by Kailyn on AJ
3. Jack Swagger vs. The Great Khali ends in a countout. Jack holds Hornswoggle in Patriot Lock when Ricardo attacks Swagger. As Swagger is distracted, Alberto Del Rio locks the Cross Armbreaker on Zeb Coulter.
Jack Swagger comes back and Del Rio hits.
4. Randy Orton, Sheamus, and The Big Show defeated Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow and Antonio Cesaro in a very good match. They hit their finishers on Rhodes, Scholars and Cesaro. After the match, The Shield makes their way to the ring from the crowd. Orton, Sheamus, and Show attack them and beat them up when SmackDown goes off air.
You can watch the complete episode here