#4 World Champions: AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar
This week the Universal Champion Brock Lesnar was awol once again and AJ Styles delivered the best promo of his WWE career. It's clear who won this round.
WWE Champion: AJ Styles
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AJ Styles is arguably one of the best wrestlers in the entire world, and even at 40, the man is as athletic as he was back in his 20's. But this week Styles didn't wow fans in the squared circle but he did so on the mic, as Styles said a few words, but it was words that were relatable to every person out there.
Addressing his conflict with Samoa Joe, Styles spoke about his storied history with Joe and how they struggled to make it to the very summit of professional wrestling. AJ also went on to agree with Joe's words of him not being there for his family as he is out wrestling week in and week out to give them a better life.
While AJ may not have sounded as intense as Joe or as convicting as Pual Heyman on the mic, the WWE Champion did sound genuine in his words, and that is what WWE should focus on doing with Styles promos let him go out there and speak from his personal point of view, as evident from this week he won't disappoint.
Universal Champion: Brock Lesnar
The Universal Champion was nowhere to been seen on Raw this week, and that may not have been surprising to you.
Winner: AJ Styles
This would come as no surprise to you, as AJ Styles was simply fantastic on the mic this week, as his promo painted him as the everyman who is just trying to be the best person they could be for their family. Which makes the WWE Championship feel immensely more important than Brock Lesnar's absent Universal Title.
While Pual Heyman's interview, Roman Reigns presentence in the main event scene and Kurt Angles warning to make Lesnar pay for the F5 he endured at the hands of the beast was all because of Lesnar actions last week. This article focuses on what Lesnar did this week, and that was nothing.