Ten Reasons Monday Night Raw Has Low Television Ratings And How To Fix It

The Shield, WWE,
The Shield seems to have a monopoly on the main event scene right now.

Problem: formulaic openings

Roman Reigns, WWE,
Dear WWE. Not every episode of Monday Night Raw has to start with Roman Reigns.

While this could probably be true for both Monday Night Raw and Smackdown Live, it is the red brand that ultimately goes to this well way too often.

In fact, WWE has started Monday night Raw off countless times this year with Roman Reigns simply walking to the ring, calling out his opponent and setting a match for later in the night.

Maybe they switch it up every once in a while and the heel will come out first, but its been a pretty cut and paste formula for a while now.

Again, Smackdown Live is somewhat guilty of doing this too, but they at least showcased different feuds when they do it. With Raw, however, it’s the same homogenized mess of Reigns struggling through a promo, kicking an opponent’s ass and a match being set up.

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Edited by Alan John
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