Ten Reasons Monday Night Raw Has Low Television Ratings And How To Fix It

The Shield, WWE,
The Shield seems to have a monopoly on the main event scene right now.

Solution: Switch up the opening segment

Baron Corbin,
Why not start out Raw with Baron Corbin a few more times?

If nothing else, WWE needs some variation, and with the absolutely stacked roster they have, they should be more than capable of doing this. Why not start things off with Ronda Rousey more?

At least that would draw publicity towards the opening of the show! Not only that, it would be a huge elevator for the women’s division to get to start the show a couple of times.

WWE could even start the show with Baron Corbin and Stephanie McMahon or a title match of some kind.

Just something to break up the monotony that is Roman Reigns starting every show. They could even put in The Authority versus Kurt Angle or Ronda Rousey every once in a while and it would be better than what fans have now.

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Edited by Alan John
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