8. Bret has since reconciled with WWE
Bret Hart made his return to the WWE in a dramatic fashion, coming out on Raw and demanding to speak to Shawn Michaels immediately.
To the surprise of many, Bret claimed he wanted to 'bury the hatchet' with his old rival. The two spoke to each other, with Michaels heavily leaning in toward the stance that A. he had known about the Screwjob from the beginning and B. he had done the right thing for the business.
From those who adhere to the work theory, this is a smoking gun. Clearly, HBK seemed confused at the end of their famous match and had even been 'feeding' his leg to Bret for a Sharpshooter reversal. For him to claim that he was in on the Screwjob all along smacks of revisionist history, and is just the kind of thing WWE would put on air in hopes to continue the Montreal myth...so the theory goes, anyway.