#5 Daniel Bryan's heel turn

Daniel Bryan turned heel. As crazy as that may sound, WWE turned Daniel Bryan heel in 2018 and it turned out to be one of their best decisions of the entire year (that's my opinion). WWE even had Daniel Bryan win the WWE title from AJ Styles that night for good measure and then put him one on one with Brock Lesnar, where he came close to defeating The Beast.
If nothing else, his babyface character was the thing that was holding him back and now he is arguably on the best run of his career. Of course, who knows how long that is going to last or even if Bryan will come into WrestleMania 35 with the title around his waist, but its a lot better than him toiling down in the mid-card.
Beyond all that, his heel character seems to be somewhat based on his real-life beliefs and that really helps bring a lot of believable to it. Another thing that is really helping the heel turn flesh out is Bryan's performance on the microphone, which also seems to be the best its ever been and will probably continue to help propel him to bigger and bigger heights.