#4 Randy Orton's viciousness

What is going on with Randy Orton? Seriously though! Orton has had so many different heel persona's over the course of his time with the company, that one would have to imagine there isn't that much left to explore. Fortunately for the WWE Universe, he proved that theory not to be true and started to become unusually vicious during his matches.
From stretching Jeff Hardy's earlobe to sickening proportions to almost breaking fingers of Tye Dillinger, Orton has somehow become even more devilish than he was already. His promos have taken on a darker tone as well and to top it all off, the crowd absolutely goes wild when he hits an RKO.
If nothing else, this is an extremely combustible concoction WWE has on their hands and it will be great to see who they unleash it on next. With that being said, however, WWE and Randy Orton both proved that they have much more fuel in the tank when it comes to telling these type of stories, which is good news for fans in several ways.