The 10 Best WWE Superstar Appearances in TV Shows 

There's a long history of wrestlers appearing on TV shows--and some recent cases, too.

#6 Shawn Michaels on Baywatch

HBK Baywatch
Shawn Michaels was an odd casting choice on Baywatch.

When wrestling fans think of Shawn Michaels and Baywatch, the most immediate connection most wrestling fans make is Pamela Anderson interacting with him at the peak of her Baywatch fame, at the 1995 Royal Rumble and at WrestleMania 11, when she shunned HBK in favour of serving as the guest valet for his opponent, Diesel. Michaels and Anderson would interact again on Anderson’s home turf a year later.

Michaels guest starred on Baywatch, playing the bodyguard for a villainous mobster. It was a largely dopey role, as Michaels’ character was there to get thwarted again and again by series regulars.

It was also a bit of a strange casting call, given that, for a big-time pro wrestler, Michaels didn’t exactly have the imposing stature one would associate with a bodyguard. Nonetheless, he played his part adequately for the level of acting necessary on a show like Baywatch.

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Edited by Alan John
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