#10 2016 (Triple H):
This match was unique, to say the least. It was the first time the world championship was defended in a WWE ring, making it historical for that reason alone. What was even more surprising was it’s ending: Fourteen years after his first victory, Triple H entered the Rumble at #30.
And like that 2002 match, he emerged as a conquering hero. Despite being cast as a villain against Reigns, HHH received roaring approval for eliminating Reigns, and when he eliminated Dean Ambrose in a questionable booking decision, that only lessened the cheers ever so slightly.
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The fans even cheered when HHH did his D-X crotch chop. This was another show that’s fun to watch if you enjoy seeing WWE’s plans fall apart.
#9 1998 (‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin):
While they tried to make this match work, it was, unfortunately, wildly predictable. Austin was by far the biggest star in this match, which made it all the more predictable he’d win. It had a few good spots here and there, especially the segments involving Foley.
But on the whole, it lacked any major spots or true drama to make it a classic Rumble. At least it served its purpose, however; to launch Austin’s career to further heights by leading to his WWE Championship coronation at WrestleMania XIV.
#8 2006 (Rey Mysterio)

It’s difficult to rank this match given its background. On one hand, Rey Mysterio was the ultimate underdog (and that’s not just a cute nickname) that overcame some of the biggest odds imaginable.
He broke the record for longest time in the match, lasting over an hour. On the other hand, many felt his main event push was due to his closeness to the recently-deceased Eddie Guerrero, and WWE was trying to use (or exploit, depending on whom you ask) his death for its own benefit.
Rey did end up winning in a truly heart-warming moment and had a great WrestleMania moment afterwards. So if you’re one of those that enjoys a match that pulls at your heart strings, this may be for you.