Losers: Lacey Evans and Heavy Machinery
Speaking of NXT call ups, this reminded us that they still exist, though it didn't do them any favors. This was an awful segment. In everything from Heavy Machiner's scripted to death dialogue to Lacey Evans' bizarre behaviour, it was just a strikeout from the very beginning.
Some people are saying that Lacey Evans is angling to be Heavy Machinery's manager, but that pairing would make no sense at all.
Already it feels like the latest batch of NXT call ups have failed spectacularly. Granted, they were supposedly seen as disposable by Triple H anyway, but it just shows how clueless the company is in using its talent. Thankfully, the big four from NXT last night were used much better, suggesting greater investment in them.
It appears that the latest batch of call ups have all chosen Raw, despite nothing being official yet.