Loser: Seth Rollins
Sorry, but these Shield reunions have just lost all their allure by now.
Did you remember that Seth Rollins is this year's Royal Rumble winner and is currently scheduled to take on Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship at WrestleMania? If so, you have a better attention span than WWE's creative team does.
The build to the Lesnar vs. Rollins match has been atrocious, and while things should get better after Fastlane, this doesn't do anything to tell that story. For his part, Roman Reigns doesn't need a Shield reunion to get over anymore, and he could be doing something better on his own road to WrestleMania as well. His truly gripping story is already being lost in WWE's incompetent booking formula.
Loser: Sasha Banks
Another episode, another champion who gets pinned before an upcoming title match on pay per view. It's happened to Asuka and Daniel Bryan over on SmackDown, and now the booking trope came for Sasha Banks on Raw.
Which means, of course, that there's little chance that Sasha Banks is losing on Sunday. She'll retain her title with Bayley.
The unfortunate side effect is that random losses like these devalue the champions and make matches predictable. It's happened a lot on this road to WrestleMania.
Can't this company build up challengers in any other way?