Losers: Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston
It was a good match, but in another bit of lazy storytelling, Kofi Kingston pinned the WWE Champion to earn his title shot at Fastlane. It's actually bad news for both men, as Fastlane is the most filler of filler pay per views, and it likely means that Kofi Kingston won't be getting his title shot at WrestleMania, which also suddenly takes away the hottest potential match for the WWE Championship there.
It's possible that the feud could be extended past the unnecessary March pay per view, but I wouldn't bet on it. Either way, Kofi has no chance of winning after having pinned the champion last night and getting his shot at the filler pay per view instead of the big one. WWE seems content to once again not pull the trigger on an act that's suddenly nuclear hot.
Even if Kofi were to have lost at WrestleMania (I'd have serious reservations of him taking the title from Bryan), it would have been the match that generated the most interest at this juncture.