#6 The Home Gets Dark and then the Warrior Returns

After Daisy's passing, Dana Warrior's haunted house became exceptionally dark and much more terrifying. With no one left to protect the family, the spirits in the home became more aggressive. Dana claims that the house began to exude strange odors and there were unexplained scary noises. Warrior recounts one particularly eventful night,
"This one night in particular...it was the middle of the night and you started hearing these banging noises, knocking and banging whirring past you. I can't even describe them because I've never heard them before. It sounded like furniture flying and crashing into one another."
Dana felt this unspoken power come over her and was compelled to not speak or move. That's when she claims to have felt the presence of The Ultimate Warrior,
"You could feel him and you could smell him in the house and he was fighting and he was battling and it went on and on and on."
When Dana woke up the next morning she expected to see her home in ruins; but, there wasn't one thing out of place. Warrior attests,
"I knew in that moment that whatever had been there bad, he had battled like he never battled before; but, he was not gonna let anything bad touch his girls. I bet you that is his greatest victory from Parts Unknown."
Edited by Alan John