This Monday Big E Langston won the Raw Active poll set to determine Randy Orton’s opponent. The other two on the list were the Miz and Dolph Ziggler. Dolph Ziggler had a match later on with Curtis Axel. Even though this match was not all that meaningful, it did get Ziggler a win, considering that is much better than having him in a panel of experts at a Pay Per View or a salesman for WWE merchandise. Anyway it’s still not clear if he is out of the WWE doghouse. On the other hand, The Miz did not have a match or did he make a meaningful presence on Raw. Instead his statements in an online video and his reported promo at a house show are just early signs of him turning heel.
In the video, Miz says that he is happy that Big Show is back but not before saying,”Does anyone really care what I think. I was not even voted to face Randy Orton…”
If this is any indication, then Miz is clearly unhappy with the way he’s been treated by the Authority and he is clearly, obviously, anti- Orton but the little jab at the audience is clearly something that a babyface does not do. That never happens. That’s a cardinal rule in the WWE.
The Miz hasn’t really been secretive about his problems with the company. And even though it’s all a big pile of kayfabe, a heel turn for the Miz seems like a far better and apt option. Since turning babyface, he’s been involved in some mediocre segments as the talking head on Miz TV. A show which is touted to be ‘Must- See’ Television. Since turning babyface, he hardly screams out that he’s ‘awesome’- A catchphrase which was much more effective when he was a heel. And since turning babyface, he wasn’t built up to look like a ‘must-see’ superstar. Even when he was a babyface, he was booed in hardcore arenas. When the arenas were going ‘This is Awesome’, they said it for so many soperstars but not the Miz.
But if he turns heel, will he align with the Authority? That seems totally oxymoronic given how much Stephanie buried him weeks ago and how randy Orton humiliated him in front of his family and friends. But the Miz might just turn against the audience who cheered for him when he turned face.
In my opinion, Miz always seemed better as a heel. When he said he was awesome and we were not convinced, it was much more apt to boo him for that as he was a heel. That’s a job well done by a heel. He was always better off being arrogant and full of himself. That made it much easier for people to want to see him get one gigantic hit to his face.
If he turns heel again, that surely is going to be much more awesome than what he’s done in the past one year.