8. Kane

Beginning in the early 2000s, Kane started using a Powerbomb as an additional finisher. In one famous match against Kaientai, Undertaker tried to teach Kane how to use the Last Ride Powerbomb, Kane botched it at first (intentionally), and then hit a different version of the Powerbomb to end that match. In the years that followed, Kane would sometimes hit a Falling Powerbomb on smaller opponents, which was like a normal Powerbomb except Kane would fall forward as he hit the move on his opponent.
For some reason, the visual of Kane falling forward as opposed to just standing there after he throws his opponent just works for him. It looks like he has more control over the move and that as he falls he’s putting all of his weight and power behind the impact, making it look even stronger.
Although most people think Kane was the best when he was Chokeslamming people, he didn’t throw a bad Powerbomb, either.