Will the event deliver?
Will WrestleMania 33 deliver in terms of entertainment? 6 hours is certainly a long time to maintain a high level of storytelling and captivation, but I believe with this card this year, WWE are more than capable of making this one of the most successful WrestleMania’s in recent memory.
As you’ve seen, each match has a great build to it and WWE has finally perfected the art of storytelling and making the most of their roster. I know I keep saying it, but it’s all down to the brand split. It has given WWE a new lease of life and allowed them to utilise the stars from NXT to their full potential.
Some of the matches are predictable, as was the build up to them, but that’s bound to happen now and then. I would rather WWE do something predictable that makes sense than try and swerve the dirt-sheets for the sake of it then have to clean up the mess they’ve left themselves.
I’m looking forward to this year’s WrestleMania, and I hope this has helped refresh your memory and get you up to date with all the rivalries going into the event. What match are you most excited for? Who would you like to see emerge victorious? Leave a comment below!
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