When they’d initially started out, praises were showered on them and everyone said they were loaded with talent. There was also that section of the WWE who said The Shield wouldn’t last too long.
Since making their debut at Survivor Series in 2012, The Shield has undoubtedly been WWE’s top faction. They’ve been hugely impressive and have created their mark. Seven months in the WWE and The Shield is on top of everything! They’ve dominated and decimated the WWE and it’s kind of impossible to think of anyone who can derail them.
They’re not perfect, in fact, they’re far from it. They don’t have friends in high places like Daniel Bryan. They don’t have John Cena‘s freak musculature. And though one of them descends from wrestling greatness like Randy Orton, the Anoa’i family may not quite count.
But they’re still here. They’re still going strong and according to Michael Cole, The Shield comprises of three men who always get along.
A perfect blend of wrestling and entertainment – and they can keep the modern WWE fan happy. When The Shield are in the arena, the action never stops. Every move has snap. Every bump is taken like it might be their last. You don’t have to save something for later, because the matches aren’t marathons. They are sprints. And they are amazing.
They’ve humiliated numerous wrestlers and everyone wants revenge, however, revenge might actually come in the form of Bray Wyatt!
Now if you don’t know who Bray Wyatt is, you’re in for a rude shock. The WWE’s aired a couple of creepy vignettes of Bray Wyatt and his two followers – Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. The NXT oddball trio is weird and scary and bizarre.
The beginning of the rise of Bray Wyatt and his faction may seem like something totally unrelated to The Shield and everything that Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose are trying to accomplish.
Quite the contrary, actually.
The Shield has had and continues to have an amazing run, but there will come a day when the seemingly unstoppable trio is finally stopped. That day very well could come—whether directly or indirectly—at the hands of the Wyatt Family.
There’s no doubt whatsoever about The Shield’s talent. Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose are all tremendous up-and-comers who should be around for years to come.
But for those of you who know how the WWE functions, there can be only one faction. Once the Wyatt family debuts in the WWE, it’s going to be awfully hard for The Shield to continue feuding with top faces when Wyatt and company likely will do the same.
There’s still time though. The Shield has already cemented its place, while the Wyatt family is still trying to create a place for itself. And in Michael Cole’s words, “The Shield is very stoppable!”
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