#4 Bobby Lashley

For those who didn't know, Bobby Lashley used the spear as his signature move. A big man like Lashley made the move look the way it should look--terrifying.
Lashley delivers a gutwrenching spear with force and impact. He made it look painful, especially when the person receiving it sold it correctly.
He reminded people that delivering a spear is not trying to forcibly hug someone, but it's like being run over by a car.
His huge shoulders nailed his opponent's abdomen on the canvas while they withered in pain. His spears were as dominating as his finishing move 'The Dominator.'
He only used the move once since he returned to WWE this year on Raw when he teamed up with Roman Reigns to take on The Revival.
He added something to the move by doing a flip, making it look even more effective. He surely showed Reigns how it's done.