10 Best WWE Champions ever

John Cena, Stone Cold and other Legends
John Cena, Stone Cold and other Legends

#1. Bruno Sammartino

Bruno Sammartino
Bruno Sammartino

Number of title reigns: 2

Longest title reign: 2803 days, the longest in history.

A sickly child, Bruno Sammartino immigrated to the USA after the second world war. His small size made him an easy target for bullies, but he would turn to wrestling and power lifting to change his physique.

Sammartino could bench press six hundred pounds during his prime, and performed 'strong man' type of stunts for local television studios. It was there that he was scouted for pro wrestling.

In 1963, he would join the WWWF--the precursor to the modern WWE--and captured the world title. He would reign for almost seven years, defeating or fighting to a stand still both legends and hot young properties.

In fact, if you add up both of his reigns he spent nearly nine years as champion, most impressive.

Why he's number one on our list: While he only reigned twice, Sammartino was pretty much the face of the WWE for nine years. He has a well deserved spot in the hall of fame, and it's unlikely that his feat of a seven year reign will ever be duplicated.

There you have it; The ten best WWE world champions in history. Questions or comments? Please leave them after the article and as always thanks for reading!


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Edited by Porush Jain
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