9. Bret "the Hitman" Hart

Number of title reigns: 5
Longest title reign: 248 Days.
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Bret the Hitman Hart is the son of legendary Calgary wrestler and promoter Stu Hart. Trained in his father's infamous Hart Dungeon, which also produced stars such as Greg Valentine and Ken Shamrock, Bret became one of the most technically sound performers in history.
Many have said it was impossible for Bret Hart to have a bad match. He had to fill the enormous shoes left empty by Hulk Hogan and become the WWE's top babyface performer. Hart did quite well in this role, and achieved a degree of mainstream success, such as appearing on the animated show The Simpsons.
Why he made number nine on our list: Bret Hart was the face of the New Generation, an unenviable position following Hogan's iconic run with the company. His technical acumen, ability to tell a story, and his historic five reigns all serve to put him on the top ten list.