#4 Adam Cole vs. Velveteen Dream vs. EC3 vs. Ricochet vs. Killian Dain vs. Lars Sullivan (NXT TakeOver: New Orleans)

This was more than just an insane adrenaline rush to open a show. It was actually the best ladder match since TLC II at WrestleMania 17.
The match was perfectly designed from the beginning, as all six competitors had a role to play. Adam Cole was the slimy, sneaky competitor looking for any opportunity. EC3 was the jack of all trades. Velveteen Dream would be there to get as much attention as possible and take insane risks. Sullivan and Dain would be the monsters that ultimately cancelled each other out, and Ricochet was the high-flier tailor-made for this kind of match.
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The crowd knew what they were in for, chanting "this is awesome" before the bell even rang!
Ricochet's springboard shooting star press got the action started nicely, and it was all adrenaline from there. Since it would be impossible to detail all of it, let's just go over a list of some of the insane bumps we saw in this match:
Lars Sullivan throwing a ladder to knock down all five of his competitors.
Ricochet attempting a sunset flip powerbomb off a ladder on Lars Sullivan, eventually getting assistance from Velveteen Dream, EC3, and Adam Cole to get the job done.
Velveteen Dream delivering a Purple Rainmaker elbow off the top of a gigantic ladder.
EC3 powerbombing Velveteen Dream from halfway up one ladder and onto another one in the corner.
Killian Dain Vader Bombing on to a ladder with EC3 under it and with Adam Cole on his back.
Ricochet turning Lars Sullivan's attempts at tipping him off the ladder into a moonsault to the outside on Killian Dain and Adam Cole.
Velveteen Dream hitting his Death Valley Driver on Ricochet on a makeshift ladder bridge.
Lars Sullivan hitting the freak accident on EC3, with Velveteen Dream underneath him and resting on another ladder bridge. The ladder broke. Mauro Ranallo jumped from his seat!
Killian Dain slamming Adam Cole and hitting a laying Ricochet with a legdrop on another ladder bridge. The ladder broke.
Ricochet delivering an avalanche neckbreaker onto Velveteen Dream from the top of the ladder, just as Dream was grabbing at the championship!
At the end of it all, Adam Cole's sneakiness prevailed. He tipped Ricochet over, climbed the ladder, and became the first NXT North American Champion.