In 1992, during an episode of Saturday Night's Main Event, The Undertaker prevented his soon-to-be former ally, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, from attacking Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth with a steel chair.
It's the same old story - much like Roberts before him, Undertaker was so great at being a bad guy that WWF simply had to turn him into a good guy. When that happened, younger me was beside himself with joy. I was also conflicted because, for years, I was also a huge Jake Roberts fan (I joined the "WWF Fan Club" just to get the cassette with all the theme music just to hear his whenever I wanted) and I was heartbroken when he turned heel So, it was pretty conflicting in my head watching one of my favorite wrestlers who was now evil fighting one of the wrestlers who I detested... who was now a good guy.
Being a kid watching wrestling when I was 12 was amazing.
Taker and Roberts had themselves a match at WrestleMania VIII - the second win of his winning streak - which wasn't a great match, but it wasn't awful, either. But, the win solidified Undertaker's position as not just one of the company's top good guys, but one of their top stars.