Chyna is a name that every WWE fan is aware of. The superstar is a WWE Hall of Famer who made her mark in the wrestling world, crafting a path for women's wrestling at a time when no one took it seriously.
One of the things that everyone remembers well about Chyna was her incredibly muscled physique. However, not everyone knows about her relationship with her personal trainer, Gerry Blais.
Who is Gerry Blais?
Gerry Blais is a bodybuilder. He was bullied in school and started to work out as a result. It wasn't long after he began that he realized he'd become addicted to the process.
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Soon after high school, he was part of the United States Marine Corps. During his time in the corps, he competed in bodybuilding and as a powerlifter. He also started personal training while part of the Marine Corps, helping other soldiers get in shape. After leaving the corps, he competed nationally, while also working as a personal trainer. He helped quite a few celebrities and professional athletes as well as his other clients.
Where did Chyna meet Gerry Blais?
Chyna's interest in her physique and bodybuilding started in her teenage years. She spent a large amount of time in the health club after school every day.
She left Florida and went to live with her sister Kathy in Londonderry, New Hampshire. There, she went to The Workout Club and met her personal trainer, Gerry Blais.
Soon after meeting him, the two were dating.
How did Gerry Blais help Chyna get to WWE?
From that age, Chyna was focused on building her body. Gerry Blais was an important part of things in helping her to develop as a star. Blais woke her up at 4:30 AM six days a week and would then drive her to the gym.
He helped her work out early in the morning but in the afternoon, she would have boxing sessions. Finally, at night, she would carry 80 lbs in her backpack and walk on the stairmaster. Blais only allowed Chyna to break her diet of fish, chicken, and vitamins once a week, when he let her have blue berry pancakes, unless she was craving something else. She had developed an incredible physique following this routine in a matter of months.
During this time, when Chyna and her sister went to a WWE show, their physique drew the attention of the WWE fans around them. Finding this intriguing, Chyna and Blais drove over to meet Killer Kowalski at his wrestling school. Blais helped introduce them and the moment Kowalski saw Chyna, it was clear that he was interested in recruiting her.
“He had this look in his eyes like, She’s different. She’s special. It was the weirdest chemistry I’ve ever seen. He knew. He just knew.” - Gerry Blais
Soon after training with Kowalski, she met Shawn Michaels and Triple H after waiting outside a WWE show. There, she introduced herself to them. By this time, word of her prowess had already spread and Triple H loved the idea of her acting as a bodyguard to himself and Michaels. As a result, he talked to the bosses and she ended up signing with the company in the future where she joined D-Generation X.
Unfortunately for Blais, soon after Chyna signed with WWE, she broke up with him and started to date Triple H instead.