Just hours away from the Elimination Chamber, the WWE Universe is all set to witness history being made as the company sets their foot on the pedal to launch the WWE Network.
For starters who still have no idea as to what the whole hype is about, the WWE Networks in a 24/7 streaming service which boasts both scheduled programs and an on-demand library. The service will also include all the 12 WWE pay-per-view throughout the year for just $9.99 per month when a single PPV costs almost $60 outside the Network.
It will also provide original WWE Reality Shows, classic from WCW and ECW and uncensored content from the rich archives of WWE.
An average fan would’ve already started drooling by now reading this because it’s just that groundbreaking.
Arguably the biggest announcement after the Attitude Era, the Network however still remains as a gamble since it’s practically impossible to predict how the whole innovative move would affect the current product. It’s a break or make situation for the WWE as they need to make all the right moves if they are to survive for the long term after his. So let’s take a look at what all things that needs to be included and avoided from the Network.
Include: Paul Heyman’s Baby – The ECW
One might argue that we are going to get all the ECW matches on demand at the Network, but the fact is the deceased company deserves better.
ECW folded when it was on one of its high points and a major portion of the WWE Universe still has the extreme taste embedded into their blood. So giving the fans a weekly show that will take them back to the extreme days would be a great idea.
Since the current fans around 18-30 age barrier has no other option to see some violent wrestling in PG Era, this is sure to click at the Network.
A re-launch with the original episodes is going to satisfy the hardcore needs of the WWE Universe giving the creative writers more option to turn their current product a bit more family friendly.
Avoid: DVDs and the Documentaries
The WWE will see a big dip in their pay-per-view rates once the Network launches because of the luxurious offer it brings. Fans would be more attracted to pay a mere $126 per year rather than $720 for the pay-per-view which will bring down the revenue of WWE in some way possible.
Carriers would soon pull the plug on their contracts leaving WWE stuck with their Network.
Since the PPV revenue will diminish at one point or other, the one place that WWE can’t slip is the DVD section. They have been producing some classic documentaries throughout the year and giving out them free on the WWE Network would be suicidal.
Though the matches from the DVD’s will be available on demand the Network subscribers wouldn’t get the production brilliance and documentaries of the WWE which the company could use to their merit.
Include: The Hall Of Fame induction Ceremonies
It’s a WWE tradition to induct the legends into Hall of Fame at the eve of WrestleMania every year. And though there will be a lot of hype to the night in between the WrestleMania buildup, the actual ceremony which spans over hours will be jam packed into a 3 minute video once it concludes.
With the WWE Network launching, the ceremony could be used more wisely as the fans would die to see their favorite names giving an emotional speech and giving out untold stories.
Showcasing the Hall Of Fame ceremonies that happened throughout the history will allow fans to know more about the personal life of the legends rather than sitting and seeing the scripted Legend’s house.
If they pull this off, it’s going to be one of the most emotional things about the Network since it will feed on the respect that the WWE Universe has for these men who gave their sweat and blood for the company.
Avoid: Main Eventers in Reality Shows
It’s always nice to know more about the personality of the people in the current roster. For a fans it sounds heavenly but for the company its actually the worst thing for business.
Ever since its inception, the professional wrestling business has been laid out on a kayfabe world which serves as an integral part of the success that the promotions have achieved.
I mean how many from the fans community knows that Undertaker and Kane aren’t really brothers?
Well that’s something that the company needs to stick on to once the Network arrives. The main eventers who would be in some kind of big storyline need not be pulled into cheap reality shows which can ruin their kayfabe characters.
The point is: we don’t want to see a creepy guy like Bray Wyatt buying ice creams to children.
Include: Other Promotions
It’s a business and there is a lot of competition, but none of the current promotions around the world have the fire power to match up to the WWE.
WCW was the last major threat to Vince McMahon and his employees which leaves them almost more than a decade without any sort of competition. (Unless you count TNA as one)
So a great way for the WWE to increase their Network subscribers will be to include other promotions in it.
The fans wouldn’t mind seeing TNA or ROH on regular basis at a different time slot and it will only enhance the WWE’s reputation since it calls out that they don’t fear anyone.
This will also give less work for the WWE to scout talent as they will be able to witness potential employees working it out in the Network itself. It will be benefiting for the other promotions as well as it will give them a steady revenue and a platform to showcase what they got.
Avoid: More emphasis on Past
Accept it, the current product sucks when compared to what we were used to seeing back in the good days. The sense of Attitude, deep flowing storylines and multi-dimensional characters is all what that made us fall in love with WWE.
All that is nowhere to be seen on the PG Era and giving the fans a trip into the past every second is going to affect the current product adversely.
The people will take no time in realizing that they are been fooled by the crappy writers in the current era and could easily stop watching the current product since they have access to a lifetime worth of content to feed upon.
Current wrestlers and product will be no match for nostalgic tides from the past which might leave the company stunned.
Thus the company needs to tone down the past contents if they are to keep the current thing afloat. but if they still want to go with their rich archives, it might be time to make some mammoth improvements to their current product.