#4 WWE putting superstars in gruesome matches
WWE had some gruesome matches prior to the PG era. Matches like First Blood and Inferno matches. This wouldn't be acceptable in 2021. In a First Blood Match you have to be the first to make your opponent bleed. Blood is now banned in WWE, unless accidental. We will likely never see this type of match again.
An Inferno match deals with fire. The objective is to throw your opponent into the fire that surrounds the ring.
This is extremely graphic and would probably not go down well with investors. And in the modern WWE, the ultimate goal seems to be keeping shareholders happy. As investors wouldn't be happy with the gruesomeness of this, we're unlikely to see this kind of match again.
#3 Using women in sexually explicit scenes and matches
WWE used to use females in sexually explicit ways to attract a younger demographic. This resulted in various demeaning match types including Evening Gown and Bra & Panties matches.
In an Evening Gown match, the objective of the match was to strip your opponents gown off. Similarly, Bra and Panties had the same concept, the difference being having to strip your opponent's ring attire off.
Neither of these matches would be well-received today. Women are given a starring role now. Having more respect as wrestlers and performers, and even main-eventing WrestleMania.