We begin tonight with a video recap of recent events involving Aces & 8′s. We are 3 days away from Bound for Glory. Tenay tells us that tonight is Storm vs. Aries and Roode vs. Hardy. We go to the ring for our first big match. Christy Hemme introduces James Storm followed by Austin Aries.
James Storm vs. Austin Aries
They go back and forth and Storm gets the first decisive takedown. Aries regroups on the outside and gets clocked again upon his return. Aries tosses Storm over the rope but he holds on and they have a short counter-fest until Aries flies onto him with a suicide dive. Aries brings him in and delivers a neckbreaker across the ropes. Strom drops down from a headlock with a jawbreaker to create some space but Aries won’t let up. They trade chops to the chest in the corner. Aries hits a dropkick to the back of the head to a seated Storm from the 2nd rope for 2. Storm takes over with a sloppy boot to the “face” (air) and a leg sweep. They go back and forth. Storm swats away the missile dropkick from the top and they counter each other’s moves in a nice exchange. They collide and both go down as Bobby Roode comes down and sends Storm into the steel post and sends him back in for Aries to capitalize on. Aries hits the brainbuster for the win.
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Winner by pin: Austin Aries
We go to the back as Wes Briscoe asks Kurt Angle if he can tag along this weekend at the PPV. He leaves and AJ Styles comes in and confronts Angle about where his head is at. He tells Angle to not even bother coming out with him. Hogan and Sting head to the ring as we go to commercial.
We return to Hollywood Hogan and Sting making their entrance together, this time to Hogan’s theme. Hogan says we have a little situation since last week. Sting says he’s pi**ed off about Hogan not being able to compete with him. Hogan says they made a deal with the devil. Daniels & Kazarian interrupt and come to the ring. Daniels says they picked the most untrustworthy guy in Bully Ray. Kaz calls them Heath (Ledger) and Thunderlips and tells them to cancel their tag match this Sunday and tell Bully that his services are not needed and get Kurt Angle as their partner.
Bully Ray makes his way to the ring. He says he agrees that Angle would have been a great choice but this is not going to be a wrestling match, it is going to be a fight. He says they don’t have to be friends; this is business. He proposes Hogan test his trust tonight: Bully & Sting vs. Kaz & Daniels. The crowd goes crazy as Hogan agrees and Kaz & Daniels are beside themselves. We go to commercial.
Hernandez w/ Chavo vs. AJ Styles
AJ hits some kicks to the leg to keep the big man off his game. Hernandez uses his power to throw AJ into the corner like a rag doll and then applies a bearhug. Hernandez keeps momentum with a clothesline. AJ hits a phenomenal dropkick that takes the big man to one knee. AJ hits another one that sends him to the outside, then he follows with a slingshot splash. AJ has words with Chavo at ringside. Back in the ring, AJ springs into the ring but Hernandez swats him away and shoulderblocks AJ across the ring for the upset.
Winner by pin: Hernandez
We go to the leader of Aces & 8′s in the usual dark room. He says Hogan plays Chess well but the game is far from over. The camera pans over to Joseph Park who is frantically picking at food from a Styrofoam box. The guy says Park is OK. He says it’s funny how a common cause will bring enemies together. We go to commercial.
We return to Zema Ion’s entrance. He is handed a mic and says he’s living proof that being humble gets you nowhere in life. He says it’s bittersweet because there is no competition for him this Sunday because there is no X-Division. RVD comes down and tries to talk over the “RVD” chants. He says he doesn’t have a match either and Hogan told him to pick anyone he chooses. RVD fakes a punch and Ion flinches big-time. RVD hits a jumping spin kick to the head and says he’ll see him this Sunday.
Hogan, Sting, and Bully discuss the next match in the back. Hogan says he doesn’t trust Bully. They argue and Sting says they need his endorsement. Bully says he won’t let them down.
Brooke Hogan and Taryn talk in the back about keeping things fair as Tara approaches and Brooke tells Taryn to give them a minute. Tara hands Brooke a list that her Hollywood boyfriend gave her to implement upon her title win this Sunday. She needs an A-list quality greenroom with Kisses. Brooke tears the list up and tells Tara to go earn it. Tara storms off and tells Brooke Kim and Khloe were so right about her.
Kaz & Daniels come to the ring. Bully makes his entrance and chases them out of the ring with his swinging chain. Sting comes out.
Sting & Bully Ray vs. Daniels & Kazarian
Bully heats things up against Daniels and scares Kaz off the apron. Bully asks the crowd if they want Sting as he applies an armbar and tags in the Stinger. Daniels gets an opening and tags Kaz in. Sting quickly takes control of him and tags Bully back in. Bully hits a side suplex for 2. Bully hits a massive chop to the chest of Kaz in the corner and tags Sting. Sting hits a classic suplex for 2 and tags Bully back in. Bully hits a beautiful vertical suplex and tags Sting back in. Sting hits a Splash in the corner but Daniels pulls Kaz out of harm’s way of another one. Daniels catches Sting from the outside to give Kaz the advantage.
Kaz goes outside and they both take it to Sting. Bully comes around with a steel chair and they retreat. They continue to isolate Sting and make quick tags and double-teams. Daniels goes up top but Sting brings him down the hard way. The crowd is on fire for Sting and he makes the hot-tag to Bully. Bully turns things up and hits a 2 for 1 splash in the corner. Daniels breaks the cover and Sting comes in. Sting tosses Kaz out over the top. Daniels attempts to hit Sting with the title belt from behind but Bully saves him and kicks Daniels in the face. Bully puts his hand out and they shake. Sting tells Bully to “get the tables!” Bully is somewhat shocked and gets the tables. Bully sets one up in the ring and climbs on the 2nd rope. Sting puts Daniels on Bully’s shoulders. Bully hits the Bomb on the table and the ref calls for the bell.
Winners by disqualification: Daniels & Kazarian
Sting & Bully celebrate in the ring. We see a video package for Aries vs. Hardy at Bound for Glory. From earlier in the day, Hardy says when he wins, he “will be the best wrestler on planet earth.”
We get a video package for Al Snow vs. Joey Ryan.
Samoa Joe cuts a promo on Magnus in the back. Magnus approaches and says that on Sunday the TV Title will be his. Joe says let’s do this tonight. Magnus says he’s not afraid but he is a business man and he will wait and make history when the fans pay for it. Joe says that’s what they call cowards these days.
Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher
Gail gets the early advantage. Tessmacher hits a head-scissors takedown and shakes her booty but Gail avoids the Stinkface in the corner. Gail lays Tessmacher out from the apron and gets 2 in the ring. Gail continues to put the boots to Brooke. Tessmacher catapults Gail into the corner and hits a flurry of offense. Brooke goes up top but Gail shuts her down. Gail hits a sit-down powerbomb but struggles to get up and make the cover. Brooke hits a faceplant for the unexpected win.
Winner by pin: Miss Tessmacher
Tara immediately runs-in and attacks Tessmacher. Tessmacher counters out of the Widow’s Peak and hits a faceplant on Tara as Taryn raises her arm in victory.
Bobby Roode talks about Bound For Glory in the back. Storm confronts him and says he knows he attacked him from behind so why doesn’t he do it now? Roode dismisses Storm and goes to leave but Storm grabs him by his neck and they have a super-heated exchange. King Mo pulls Storm off and tells him to save it for Sunday.
We return to a card rundown for this Sunday. Bobby Roode is introduced for his match. After a break, we return for Jeff Hardy‘s entrance.
Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode
Roode attacks Hardy at ringside as he makes his entrance. Roode sends Hardy into the ring and the bell sounds. Roode puts the boots to Hardy in the corner. Hardy takes over with a basement dropkick and a legdrop to the crotch for 2. Hardy hits a back bodydrop and a running clothesline which sends Roode to the outside. Hardy slings over for the crossbody and sells the pain. Roode begs off in the ring but Hardy takes it to him in the corner. Roode takes over and throws Hardy to the outside. Hardy hits a suplex on the floor as we go to commercial.
Hardy is laid out in the ring as we return. Roode hits a neckbreaker off the ropes and another on the mat for 2. Roode applies a choke and the ref checks Hardy but his arm only drops twice; Roode holds on. Hardy goes between the turnbuckles to force the release. Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind but both men are down from it. Both men go toe-to-toe and Hardy gets 2. Hardy hits a splash off the 2nd rope for 2. Roode manages a spinebuster out of nowhere and gets 2. Roode avoids a Swanton and hits a spear but Hardy barely kicks out. Hardy hits Twist of Fate and goes for it again but Roode hits a low-blow and the ref calls for the bell.
Winner by disqualification: Jeff Hardy
Roode gets a chair but the ref takes it from him. Hardy hits another Twist of Fate. Aries comes down and says the night will not end with Hardy in his ring. He has the script for tonight’s show in his hand and he crumbles it and throws it away. He says he is done with the company telling him what to do. He says he is not jealous of Hardy, especially his rap sheet. He is sick of TNA catering to Jeff Hardy. He says he is being set-up to fail. Hardy says his nuts hurt and he will end Aries’ cocky a** on Sunday. Aries asks Hardy to leave and attacks him from behind. Aries hits a beautiful brainbuster as we go Off the Air.