#4 Shingo Takagi vs. Will Ospreay (G1 Climax 30 Day 5)
Shingo Takagi's MVP performances in the G1 Climax 30 began with this encounter here with Will Ospreay on Day 5. These two men delivered the 2019 Match of the Year in the Best of Super Juniors 26 Finals, but now that both men are heavyweights and in the G1, they gave fans another MOTY candidate here.
Shingo and Ospreay have phenomenal chemistry and once again showed that with innovative counters and stunning sequences throughout this 22-minute contest. Their high impact offense had the fans in Kobe reacting loudly, and the two men pulled out all the stops to live up to their previous meeting.
In the end, Shingo hit the Stay Dream off the top rope and followed with the Last of the Dragon for the win. This marked Takagi's first victory of the G1 Climax 30 and avenged his loss to Ospreay last year.
This Wrestling Observer Newsletter five star-rated match was the first contest of the G1 Climax 30 to receive this honor. It gave fans a truly memorable encounter in one of the best matches of the entire year. This was Ospreay's greatest match of the tournament this year and one of Shingo's best matches of his time in NJPW.