#1 Stunner

This iconic finishing move is performed by none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin. The attitude era was defined by Stone Cold and his stunners. Austin would hit the opponent on his groin section and later apply a three-quarter facelock (reaching back and grabbing the head of an opponent, thus pulling the opponent's jaw above the wrestler's shoulder) and pull the opponent down on the jaw. It is similar to an RKO where the opponent is not kicked on the groin but directly the wrestler goes for the three-quarter facelock and brings the opponent on the mat. Another similarity between an RKO and a Stunner is that an opponent never knows when it's coming. The stunner is incomplete without Stone Cold Steve Austin. It is a simple but a deadly move which is the best finishing move by any wrestler till date. Michael Hayes had suggested Austin use this move and all the WWE fans will be eternally grateful to Michael Hayes for the Stone Cold Stunner. Almost every wrestler has faced the wrath of a stunner including the WWE Chairman Vince McMahon. Stone Cold stunner will live forever as the deadliest finishing move in the history of wrestling because of The Rattlesnake 'Stone Cold Steve Austin'.